Document Automation

Often referred to as 'point-solutions', products in this category are the most focused on document automation and have the most extensive document automation capabilities.

Use cases include:

High complexity document automation

Standalone document automation solutions

Contract Lifecycle Capabilities

Often referred to as 'End-to-end contracting platforms', products in this category have features to cater for every stage of the contracting process. They often integrate with 3rd party systems, have eSignature capabilities, and are suitable for a range of use cases. Our market analysis focused on products with strong document automation capabilities and thus our shortlisted vendors can cater for certain use cases where document automation capabilities are a priority whilst also offering additional contracting features.

Use cases include:

Moderate complexity document automation

End-to-end contracting solutions

Process Automation Capabilities

Often referred to as 'decision automation platforms' or 'business process automation platforms', products in this category are focused on automating business workflows. They usually integrate with many products and work best with low complexity document automation.

Use cases include:

Low complexity document automation

Integrated process solutions

Open Source

Docassemble is a free, open-source expert system for guided interviews and document assembly. It is freely available for modification and redistribution. Although it was created for the purposes of automating the practice of law and assisting with access to justice, docassemble is a general-purpose platform that can find applications in a variety of fields.

Use cases include:

Appetite to create and manage your own solution

Need help with document automation?

To discuss your particular use case and requirements please contact us.